1910: February 17
The current Ladies Aid Society was formed with the following ladies elected officers:
President: Mrs. Louella Vinton
Vice-President: Mrs. Emma Workman Secretary: Mrs. Eva M. Craig Treasurer: Mrs. Dacy (Thomas, Sr.) Phillips |
Below is the Constitution, which was drawn up and approved. Nineteen members are listed on the roll for 1910. Meetings started at half past two Thursday afternoons of every week to quilt and tie comforts. Dues were 10 cents per meeting and lunch was served. Kensingtons were held once a month. These were Aid meetings, which included all quilters and non-quilters alike. Dues for these more elaborate meetings and luncheons were 25 cents.
Article I
This Society shall be called the ME (Methodist Episcopal) Aid Society of Henderson, Iowa.
Article II
The object of this Society shall be to contribute toward the support of the ME Church; all moneys expended to be sugject to vote of the Society.
Article III
Its officers shall consist of:
- President
- Vice-President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Article IV
The annual meeting of this Society shall be held the first Thursday in March for the purposes of electing officers and transacting such business as shall come before the Society.
Article V
This Society shall meet at half past two o'clock on Thursday afternoon of each week.
Article VI
All money due the Society shall be paid to the Secretary of Treasury.
Article VII
Active members will be expected to be present at all meetings, and take their share of work and office-holding, subject to such fines as the Society shall impose, and shall have a vote in all the affairs of the Society.
Article VIII
Order of Business:
- Roll Call
- Reading of Minutes
- New business
- Unfinished business
- Report of committees
Standing Committees for 1910:
Work Committee
Social Committee:
Visiting Committee
Mrs. Willard
Mrs. Owens |
Mrs. Creamer
Mrs. Carter |
Mrs. Duysen
Mrs. Craig Mrs. Phillips |
Officers for 1911:
President: Mrs. Eva Craig
Vice-Pres: Mrs. Hayden Carter Secretary: Mrs. McClusky Treasurer: Jessie Goss |
Meetings were held in both the afternoon and evening.
The Methodist Ladies Aid Society united with the Missionary Societies of the Methodist Church and became known as the Women's Society of Christian Service(WSCS).
The Society went to meeting once a month instead of meeting once a week.
The WSCS had its name changed to United Methodist Women (UMW) after the reorganization of the church itself.
Standing Rules of the unit are as follows:
Slate of officers:
Meetings were held in both the afternoon and evening.
The Methodist Ladies Aid Society united with the Missionary Societies of the Methodist Church and became known as the Women's Society of Christian Service(WSCS).
The Society went to meeting once a month instead of meeting once a week.
The WSCS had its name changed to United Methodist Women (UMW) after the reorganization of the church itself.
Standing Rules of the unit are as follows:
- Our unit uses the minimum structure.
- Election of officers shall be held in September and officers shall take office at the following January meeting.
- The President shall appoint a courtesy committee and any other committees as the need arises.
- Our officers serve on a one year basis but can be re-elected in succeeding years, not to exceed 4 years.
- Our unit shall meet on the second Thursday of each month. The hostess shall choose the location for the meeting - the church or at her home. We begin our meetings at 2:00 p.m. unless announced.
- The President of this unit shall be authorized at the bank to sign checks drawn on its account in case of necessity.
- The church memorial committee shall take care of memorial gifts for the entire church.
- Our unit shall name a committee to select someone to receive a special recognition membership pin with money to go to missions. We intend to honor someone in this way each year.
- Our Unit will pay $22.5 into the church budget each month. We also pay the church fuel bill. If the need arises, we shall give into the church treasury as able.
- The Treasurer's records will be audited each year with an auditing committee of two to be added to our slate of officers.
Slate of officers:
President: Minnie Allensworth
Vice-President: Wanda Williams Secretary: Ruby Wilkinson Treasurer: Edna Butterfield Mission Coordinators: Eunice Rieken and Edith Sowers Special Projects: Eloise Steiner Historian: Eunice Rieken Local Church Activities: Minnie Allensworth, Eloise Steiner and Edna Butterfield Nominating Committee: Ruby Wilkinson 1982, Bess Jewell 1983 and Bette Byers 1984 Courtesy Committee: Jane Paul and Ruby Wilkinson |
The UMW will have a bake sale at the Ice Cream Social in July so our donation to flood relief for Emerson and Hastings will be larger.
Due to storm damage, Henderson has no electrical power on the day of our annual Fall Supper. It is decided to go ahead as most all the food is ready and the church stoves are gas powered. The supper will be fondly remembered by guests and workers alike as one of the most successful and just plain fun suppers we have ever hosted. The tables were lit with oil lamps and candles, the "cowboy coffee" was boiled in anamel pots on the top of the stove and all declared it a great success. It was discussed to do the supper the same way the next year, but wiser heads prevailed.
Our annual Christmas caroling and soup supper also took on an unexpected twist when sub-zero temperatures forced us to meet at Oscar and Marj Haack's house, as planned but the caroling was done by telephone - several extensions. It, too, was declared quite a success and a really fun time.
UMW lesson contains the following points from "Take a Journey of Love":
Meetings are moved to the first Wednesday of every month (except August) at 2:00 p.m.
UMW lesson contains "instructions" for a 5-fingered Prayer:
We meet the first Wednesday of every month except August (vacation month) as well as specified times for our July picnic and December Christmas supper. Dues are $1.00 per meeting. The quilters have retired in just the past few years. They do, however, meet to embroider and do other handwork as needed. They now include ladies from the Methodist and Christian Churches as well as the Henderson area.
Approximately 20 Thanksgiving Ingathering kits were donated by our unit members. These will be taken to Greenfield, Iowa in November and added to kits being delivered from all of Southwest Iowa for shipment to Nigeria.
Due to storm damage, Henderson has no electrical power on the day of our annual Fall Supper. It is decided to go ahead as most all the food is ready and the church stoves are gas powered. The supper will be fondly remembered by guests and workers alike as one of the most successful and just plain fun suppers we have ever hosted. The tables were lit with oil lamps and candles, the "cowboy coffee" was boiled in anamel pots on the top of the stove and all declared it a great success. It was discussed to do the supper the same way the next year, but wiser heads prevailed.
Our annual Christmas caroling and soup supper also took on an unexpected twist when sub-zero temperatures forced us to meet at Oscar and Marj Haack's house, as planned but the caroling was done by telephone - several extensions. It, too, was declared quite a success and a really fun time.
UMW lesson contains the following points from "Take a Journey of Love":
- Write letters to friends and loved ones daily.
- Share baked goods with others.
- Pray for your friends, your enemies and those you don't really like.
- Pray for yourself.
- Take time to go outdoors and breathe deep every day.
- Have friends in for dinner and play games.
- These things will fill you with joy abundant and spread faith, hope and love to all.
Meetings are moved to the first Wednesday of every month (except August) at 2:00 p.m.
UMW lesson contains "instructions" for a 5-fingered Prayer:
- Thumb - those closest to us - family & friends.
- Index - those who teach, heal, preach.
- Middle - tallest - our leaders and those who have power over us.
- Ring - weakest - the weak, those in trouble or pain.
- Pinky - smallest - ourselves.
We meet the first Wednesday of every month except August (vacation month) as well as specified times for our July picnic and December Christmas supper. Dues are $1.00 per meeting. The quilters have retired in just the past few years. They do, however, meet to embroider and do other handwork as needed. They now include ladies from the Methodist and Christian Churches as well as the Henderson area.
Approximately 20 Thanksgiving Ingathering kits were donated by our unit members. These will be taken to Greenfield, Iowa in November and added to kits being delivered from all of Southwest Iowa for shipment to Nigeria.