MINUTES - MAY 18, 1956
The business meeting was called to order by Bill Harbor due to the absence of President Agnes Workman. Jo Ann Houser gave the Treasurer’s Report. A balance of $261.65 was reported. The secretary read the minutes, which were approved. A motion was made and carried to pay all outstanding bills turned into the Treasurer.
The Nominating Committee nominated the following officers for the coming year:
Norman Winchester – President; Steve Steiner – Vice-President; Barbara Brown – Secretary; Jo Ann Houser – Treasurer
Dinner was served by the Christian Ladies Aid. There were 157 plates paid. The program was carried out with a circus theme with clowns, balloons, etc. Jack Fickel served as Master of Ceremonies.
Secretary Deloma Allensworth
The Executive Committee met and the following committee members were chosen for this year’s Banquet:
Correspondence: Minnie Allensworth, Chairman; Agnes Workman
Decorating: Betty Raney, Chairman; Vera Braden, Glenn Brown, Bonnie Frink, Harvey Bolton
Menu: Elizabeth Edmondson, Chairman; Ardis Stenger, Mae Wight
Welcome: Paul Phillips, Chairman; Ruby Godfrey, Barbara Shook
Nominating: Viva Allensworth, Chairman; Phyllis Brown, Gene Bolton
Dish Committee: Jo Ann Houser, Chairman; Sharon Henderson, Donna Taylor, Minnie Allensworth
Arrangements: Herman Coppock, Chairman; Bob Stille, Max Stonebraker, Carroll Sowers
Program: Alta Forrestal, Chairman; Bryan Sowers, Lois Phillips, Bill Harbor, Evelyn Osler, Eunice Rieken, Darlene Bolton
The Nominating Committee nominated the following officers for the coming year:
Norman Winchester – President; Steve Steiner – Vice-President; Barbara Brown – Secretary; Jo Ann Houser – Treasurer
Dinner was served by the Christian Ladies Aid. There were 157 plates paid. The program was carried out with a circus theme with clowns, balloons, etc. Jack Fickel served as Master of Ceremonies.
Secretary Deloma Allensworth
The Executive Committee met and the following committee members were chosen for this year’s Banquet:
Correspondence: Minnie Allensworth, Chairman; Agnes Workman
Decorating: Betty Raney, Chairman; Vera Braden, Glenn Brown, Bonnie Frink, Harvey Bolton
Menu: Elizabeth Edmondson, Chairman; Ardis Stenger, Mae Wight
Welcome: Paul Phillips, Chairman; Ruby Godfrey, Barbara Shook
Nominating: Viva Allensworth, Chairman; Phyllis Brown, Gene Bolton
Dish Committee: Jo Ann Houser, Chairman; Sharon Henderson, Donna Taylor, Minnie Allensworth
Arrangements: Herman Coppock, Chairman; Bob Stille, Max Stonebraker, Carroll Sowers
Program: Alta Forrestal, Chairman; Bryan Sowers, Lois Phillips, Bill Harbor, Evelyn Osler, Eunice Rieken, Darlene Bolton
Courtesy of Historian Ruby Smith Godfrey Collection
MINUTES - MAY 24, 1957
The business meeting was called to order by President Norman Winchester. Jo Ann Houser gave the secretary and treasurer’s report – both were approved as read. A motion was made and carried to pay all outstanding bills. It was brought to the people’s attention by Bill Harbor that we needed more group participation in putting on the banquet.
The nominating committee named the following officers for the coming year 1958:
Harry E. Paul – President; Jerry Duysen – Vice-President; Joyce Lathrop – Secretary; Jo Ann Houser – Treasurer
Dinner was served by the Christian Church. There were 124 plates paid. The program was carried out with an Indian theme with the Macedonia Cub Scouts presenting an “Indian Pow-Wow” as the climax of the evening. Bill Harbor served as “Master of Ceremonies.” A motion was made and carried to close the 1957 business meeting.
Jo Ann Houser, Acting Secretary
The Executive Committee of 1958 Henderson Alumni met and the following committee members were chosen:
Banquet to be May 23rd.
Methodist Church to serve.
Menu Committee: Phyllis Brown, Viva Allensworth, Eunice Rieken
Nominating Committee: Paul Phillips, Dick Allensworth, Irene Cole
Correspondence Committee: Minnie Allensworth, Agnes Workman
Decorating Committee: Elizabeth Edmondson, Ardis Stenger, Bonnie Frink, Deloma Allensworth
Program Committee: Bud Byers, Lucille Byers, Herman Coppock, Vera Braden
Dish Committee: Genessee Stephens, Velma South, Sharon Henderson, Barbara Stille, Bob Stille
Arrangement Tables: Herman Coppock, Carroll Phillips, Max Stonebraker, Fred Sowers, Bryan Sowers
Alumni News: Ruby Godfrey
The nominating committee named the following officers for the coming year 1958:
Harry E. Paul – President; Jerry Duysen – Vice-President; Joyce Lathrop – Secretary; Jo Ann Houser – Treasurer
Dinner was served by the Christian Church. There were 124 plates paid. The program was carried out with an Indian theme with the Macedonia Cub Scouts presenting an “Indian Pow-Wow” as the climax of the evening. Bill Harbor served as “Master of Ceremonies.” A motion was made and carried to close the 1957 business meeting.
Jo Ann Houser, Acting Secretary
The Executive Committee of 1958 Henderson Alumni met and the following committee members were chosen:
Banquet to be May 23rd.
Methodist Church to serve.
Menu Committee: Phyllis Brown, Viva Allensworth, Eunice Rieken
Nominating Committee: Paul Phillips, Dick Allensworth, Irene Cole
Correspondence Committee: Minnie Allensworth, Agnes Workman
Decorating Committee: Elizabeth Edmondson, Ardis Stenger, Bonnie Frink, Deloma Allensworth
Program Committee: Bud Byers, Lucille Byers, Herman Coppock, Vera Braden
Dish Committee: Genessee Stephens, Velma South, Sharon Henderson, Barbara Stille, Bob Stille
Arrangement Tables: Herman Coppock, Carroll Phillips, Max Stonebraker, Fred Sowers, Bryan Sowers
Alumni News: Ruby Godfrey
Courtesy of Historian Ruby Smith Godfrey Collection
MINUTES - MAY 23, 1958
The 43rd annual banquet of the Henderson Alumni Association was held Friday, May 23, at the school gym. The Methodist WSCS served 172 alumni and guests.
Bill Harbor was Master of Ceremonies. The Welcome to the class of 1958 was given by Nancy Wallace (Class of ’57) and the response by Lois Meadows.
C.E. Wilson presented an autographed copy of his book of poems to Lois Meadows. This is an annual award from Mr. Wilson to the best English Student in the class.
Glen McGee of Glenwood presented the citizenship award of the Iowa State Bar Association to Nancy Terry. Nancy was selected by the faculty for character and citizenship.
The Alumni News was read by Jo Ann Houser as Ruby Godfrey was not present.
The business meeting was conducted by H. E. Paul, President. The minutes of the 1957 meeting were read and approved. A motion was made and carried to pay all outstanding bills. The Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $232.37.
The nominating committee named the following officers for the coming year 1959:
Don Parker – President; Elizabeth Edmondson – Vice-President; Ardis Stenger – Secretary; Jo Ann Houser – Treasurer; Ruby Godfrey – Historian
No other business on hand the meeting adjourned.
The program theme was “An Evening of Television,” which opened with a news broadcast followed by scenes from “Gunsmoke,” the “$64,000 Question,” “Ed Sullivan’s Variety Show,” Boxing and “This is Your Life.”
A.P. Phillips was the subject of “This is Your Life” and was very surprised. Very original commercials were given with each show. Mrs. Lucille Byers wrote the script and directed the show. Following the program, the floor was cleared for dancing. An orchestra from Offutt Air Base furnished the music and Don Allensworth called for the square dance.
Joyce Lathrop – Secretary
Committees for 1959:
Menu: Minnie Allensworth, Minnie Viner, Lois Magers
Nominating: Viva Allensworth, Phyliss Brown, Maude Phillips
Correspondence: Velma South, Gertrude Harover, Agnes Workman
Decoration: Darlene Bolton, Shirley Duysen, Roberta Duysen, Vera Braden, Judy Coppock
Program: Lois Phillips, Beverly Boileau, Leo Boileau, Sharon Henderson, Bill Harbor
Dish: Ardis Stenger, Elizabeth Edmondson, DeLoma Allensworth
Arrangements: Herman Coppock, Bud Byers, Glen Brown, Gary Stephens
News: Ruby Godfrey
Bill Harbor was Master of Ceremonies. The Welcome to the class of 1958 was given by Nancy Wallace (Class of ’57) and the response by Lois Meadows.
C.E. Wilson presented an autographed copy of his book of poems to Lois Meadows. This is an annual award from Mr. Wilson to the best English Student in the class.
Glen McGee of Glenwood presented the citizenship award of the Iowa State Bar Association to Nancy Terry. Nancy was selected by the faculty for character and citizenship.
The Alumni News was read by Jo Ann Houser as Ruby Godfrey was not present.
The business meeting was conducted by H. E. Paul, President. The minutes of the 1957 meeting were read and approved. A motion was made and carried to pay all outstanding bills. The Treasurer reported a balance on hand of $232.37.
The nominating committee named the following officers for the coming year 1959:
Don Parker – President; Elizabeth Edmondson – Vice-President; Ardis Stenger – Secretary; Jo Ann Houser – Treasurer; Ruby Godfrey – Historian
No other business on hand the meeting adjourned.
The program theme was “An Evening of Television,” which opened with a news broadcast followed by scenes from “Gunsmoke,” the “$64,000 Question,” “Ed Sullivan’s Variety Show,” Boxing and “This is Your Life.”
A.P. Phillips was the subject of “This is Your Life” and was very surprised. Very original commercials were given with each show. Mrs. Lucille Byers wrote the script and directed the show. Following the program, the floor was cleared for dancing. An orchestra from Offutt Air Base furnished the music and Don Allensworth called for the square dance.
Joyce Lathrop – Secretary
Committees for 1959:
Menu: Minnie Allensworth, Minnie Viner, Lois Magers
Nominating: Viva Allensworth, Phyliss Brown, Maude Phillips
Correspondence: Velma South, Gertrude Harover, Agnes Workman
Decoration: Darlene Bolton, Shirley Duysen, Roberta Duysen, Vera Braden, Judy Coppock
Program: Lois Phillips, Beverly Boileau, Leo Boileau, Sharon Henderson, Bill Harbor
Dish: Ardis Stenger, Elizabeth Edmondson, DeLoma Allensworth
Arrangements: Herman Coppock, Bud Byers, Glen Brown, Gary Stephens
News: Ruby Godfrey
Courtesy of Historian Ruby Smith Godfrey Collection
MINUTES - MAY 29, 1959
The 44th annual banquet of the Henderson Alumni Association was held Friday, May 29th at the school gymnasium. The dinner was served by the Christian C.W.F. There were 151 paid plates.
Mrs. Ralph Viner acted as Toastmistress. The alumni news was given by Ruby Godfrey. The seniors were welcomed into the alumni association by Wanda Williams and the response was given by Carol Asell, after which each of the seniors was introduced by Mr. Hudtloff, the Superintendent. A book of poetry by Claude Wilson was present to Norma McGee for the best English grades of the years.
The business meeting was conducted by the President, Don Parker. The minutes of the 1959 meeting were read and approved. A treasury report showed a balance of $193.82. The motion was made and seconded that all bills be allowed and paid.
The nominating committee named the following officers for next year:
President – Glen Brown; Vice-President – Joyce Lathrop; Treasurer – Minnie Allensworth; Secretary – Elva Nyren
The new officers were approved and a motion made and carried to adjourn.
Program theme was a Calypso Carnival which featured short musical numbers and selections by members of the school band.
Ardis Stenger, Secretary
Mrs. Ralph Viner acted as Toastmistress. The alumni news was given by Ruby Godfrey. The seniors were welcomed into the alumni association by Wanda Williams and the response was given by Carol Asell, after which each of the seniors was introduced by Mr. Hudtloff, the Superintendent. A book of poetry by Claude Wilson was present to Norma McGee for the best English grades of the years.
The business meeting was conducted by the President, Don Parker. The minutes of the 1959 meeting were read and approved. A treasury report showed a balance of $193.82. The motion was made and seconded that all bills be allowed and paid.
The nominating committee named the following officers for next year:
President – Glen Brown; Vice-President – Joyce Lathrop; Treasurer – Minnie Allensworth; Secretary – Elva Nyren
The new officers were approved and a motion made and carried to adjourn.
Program theme was a Calypso Carnival which featured short musical numbers and selections by members of the school band.
Ardis Stenger, Secretary
Courtesy of Historian Ruby Smith Godfrey Collection
MINUTES - MAY 20, 1960
March 23, 1960 Executive Committee Meeting
The Executive Committee of the Henderson Alumni Association met March 23, 1960 and named the following committees for the 1960 banquet:
Program: Mr. and Mrs. Dick Magers, Chairmen; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Duysen; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bolton; Barbara Frink
Menu: Eunice Reiken, Chairman; Deloma Allensworth, Genessee Stephens
Nominating: Ardis Stenger, Chairman; Everett McGrew, Don Parker
Arrangements: Herman Coppock, Chairman; Vance Allensworth, Delbert McVay
Dish: Lois Phillips, Chairman; Bryan Sowers, Larry Sowers, Betty Jane Raney, Bonnie Frink
Decorating: Elizabeth Edmondson, Chairman; Phyllis Brown, Minnie Allensworth, Sharon Henderson
Correspondence: Mae Wight, Chairman; Viva Allensworth, Blodwin Houser
Reception: Tot Harbor, Chairman; Claude Wilson
May 20, 1960
One hundred and fifty-one members and guests of the Henderson Alumni Association attended the forty-fifth annual banquet Friday evening, May 20, 1960, at the school auditorium.
Harry E. Paul was Toastmaster. Superintendent B. L. Hudtloff introduced the seniors. Pauline Shook Perry welcomed the seniors, and Richard Wiegman gave the response.
Glen Brown, alumni president, conducted the business meeting. Minutes of the 1959 meeting were read by Elva Nyren.
The oldest graduate present was Myrtle Esterquist Rockafellow of the Class of 1899. Those attending from the greatest distance were Mrs. Jim Holt of Texarkana, Arkansas; Mr. and Mrs. George Evans of Centralia, Indiana; Barbara South of Bloomington, Indiana; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Winchester of Maryville, Missouri; and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Steiner of Kansas City, Kansas.
New officers elected were Bryan Sowers, President; Harvey Bolton, Vice-President; Sharon Henderson, Secretary; and Lois Phillips, Treasurer.
Minnie Allensworth reported a balance of $138.72 in the treasury.
Ruby Godfrey, Historian, reported alumni news. This year’s class of ten brought to 459 the total number of graduates from the Henderson High School. Members of the Class of 1960 are Ralph Cole, Robert Fleming, Judy Harold, Robert Magers, Doris Morris, Alice Rieken, Bonnie Siefford, Lewis Steiner, Velda Wallace and Richard Wiegman.
This will be the last class to graduate from the Henderson High School as the Henderson Consolidated District will become a part of the Nishna Valley Community District with the high school at Emerson.
The program theme “Thru the Years” featured songs and styles from 1897 to 1960. Deloma Allensworth modeled a dress of the 1900 period and Darlene Bolton wore a wedding suit of 1910. Dallas and Helen McGrew sat on a park bench and reminisced of 1910 and Lora Mae Parker and Ruby Godfrey sang “Dearie, Do You Remember When –“. Bud and Lucille Byers did the Charleston in costumes of the “Roaring 20s.” A quartet, Lewis Steiner, Don Parker, Jerry Duysen and Don Pendegraft, sang several numbers. Larry Skank sang “Coming In On a Wing and a Prayer,” of World War II period. Floyd Bowen pantomimed Elvis Presley and the beatniks appeared for the 1950-60 period. Don Parker sang “Around the World” and the audience joined Betty Jefferis and Judy Magers in “May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You” to close the program. Dancing followed with music by an Omaha dance band.
Elva Nyren – Secretary
Committees for 1961 Alumni:
Entertainment: Minnie Allensworth, Chairman; DeLaine Slump, Deloma Allensworth, Gene Bolton, Bonnie Frink, Abbie Duysen
Decorating: Lois Magers, Chairman; Ardis Stenger, Eunice Rieken, LaDonna Stephens, Jo Ann Houser
Menu: Agnes Workman, Chairman; Betty Viner, Genessee Stephens
Correspondence: Viva Allensworth, Chairman; Velma South, Mae Wight
Welcoming and Nominating: Bill Harbor, Chairman; Dallas McGrew, Elizabeth Edmondson
Arrangements: Herman Coppock, Chairman; Bud Byers, Glen Brown, Gary Stephens, Delbert McVay
Dishes: Barbara Stille, Chairman; Bob Stille, Alice Rieken, Glen Dean Brown
The Executive Committee of the Henderson Alumni Association met March 23, 1960 and named the following committees for the 1960 banquet:
Program: Mr. and Mrs. Dick Magers, Chairmen; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Duysen; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bolton; Barbara Frink
Menu: Eunice Reiken, Chairman; Deloma Allensworth, Genessee Stephens
Nominating: Ardis Stenger, Chairman; Everett McGrew, Don Parker
Arrangements: Herman Coppock, Chairman; Vance Allensworth, Delbert McVay
Dish: Lois Phillips, Chairman; Bryan Sowers, Larry Sowers, Betty Jane Raney, Bonnie Frink
Decorating: Elizabeth Edmondson, Chairman; Phyllis Brown, Minnie Allensworth, Sharon Henderson
Correspondence: Mae Wight, Chairman; Viva Allensworth, Blodwin Houser
Reception: Tot Harbor, Chairman; Claude Wilson
May 20, 1960
One hundred and fifty-one members and guests of the Henderson Alumni Association attended the forty-fifth annual banquet Friday evening, May 20, 1960, at the school auditorium.
Harry E. Paul was Toastmaster. Superintendent B. L. Hudtloff introduced the seniors. Pauline Shook Perry welcomed the seniors, and Richard Wiegman gave the response.
Glen Brown, alumni president, conducted the business meeting. Minutes of the 1959 meeting were read by Elva Nyren.
The oldest graduate present was Myrtle Esterquist Rockafellow of the Class of 1899. Those attending from the greatest distance were Mrs. Jim Holt of Texarkana, Arkansas; Mr. and Mrs. George Evans of Centralia, Indiana; Barbara South of Bloomington, Indiana; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Winchester of Maryville, Missouri; and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Steiner of Kansas City, Kansas.
New officers elected were Bryan Sowers, President; Harvey Bolton, Vice-President; Sharon Henderson, Secretary; and Lois Phillips, Treasurer.
Minnie Allensworth reported a balance of $138.72 in the treasury.
Ruby Godfrey, Historian, reported alumni news. This year’s class of ten brought to 459 the total number of graduates from the Henderson High School. Members of the Class of 1960 are Ralph Cole, Robert Fleming, Judy Harold, Robert Magers, Doris Morris, Alice Rieken, Bonnie Siefford, Lewis Steiner, Velda Wallace and Richard Wiegman.
This will be the last class to graduate from the Henderson High School as the Henderson Consolidated District will become a part of the Nishna Valley Community District with the high school at Emerson.
The program theme “Thru the Years” featured songs and styles from 1897 to 1960. Deloma Allensworth modeled a dress of the 1900 period and Darlene Bolton wore a wedding suit of 1910. Dallas and Helen McGrew sat on a park bench and reminisced of 1910 and Lora Mae Parker and Ruby Godfrey sang “Dearie, Do You Remember When –“. Bud and Lucille Byers did the Charleston in costumes of the “Roaring 20s.” A quartet, Lewis Steiner, Don Parker, Jerry Duysen and Don Pendegraft, sang several numbers. Larry Skank sang “Coming In On a Wing and a Prayer,” of World War II period. Floyd Bowen pantomimed Elvis Presley and the beatniks appeared for the 1950-60 period. Don Parker sang “Around the World” and the audience joined Betty Jefferis and Judy Magers in “May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You” to close the program. Dancing followed with music by an Omaha dance band.
Elva Nyren – Secretary
Committees for 1961 Alumni:
Entertainment: Minnie Allensworth, Chairman; DeLaine Slump, Deloma Allensworth, Gene Bolton, Bonnie Frink, Abbie Duysen
Decorating: Lois Magers, Chairman; Ardis Stenger, Eunice Rieken, LaDonna Stephens, Jo Ann Houser
Menu: Agnes Workman, Chairman; Betty Viner, Genessee Stephens
Correspondence: Viva Allensworth, Chairman; Velma South, Mae Wight
Welcoming and Nominating: Bill Harbor, Chairman; Dallas McGrew, Elizabeth Edmondson
Arrangements: Herman Coppock, Chairman; Bud Byers, Glen Brown, Gary Stephens, Delbert McVay
Dishes: Barbara Stille, Chairman; Bob Stille, Alice Rieken, Glen Dean Brown